” Yuva Shakti cooking with Shri Mataji – Sacred Flavours ”
Date : Sunday, 2nd February 2025 🌸
⏰ Time: 10:30 AM
📍 Venue: Your Local Center
For more details please contact your State Yuva coordinators
✨ Session Highlights:
🌿 Explore recipes from the book Cooking with Love written by Shri Mataji.
🌿 Discover the spiritual significance of food and its connection to the Nabhi chakra
🌿 Practice gratitude through cooking, prayers, and vibrations
🌟 Let’s come together to deepen our connection with Shri Mataji’s teachings, nourish our spirits, and enjoy this vibrant, collective experience.
With Love,
NSYS Team India
Let’s make it a day full of divine vibrations!
30th Dec, 31st Dec 2024 & 1st Jan-2025 Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India
🌟 महत्वपूर्ण सूचना! 🌟
सभी को सादर नमस्कार, जय श्री माताजी! 🌹🌹🌹
हम आपको NSYS-NSPT ऑनलाइन युवा प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम (सप्ताह 5) के 5वें सत्र में आमंत्रित करते हुए अत्यंत प्रसन्न हैं। यह सत्र प्रेरणा और मूल्यवान ज्ञान से भरपूर एक समृद्ध अनुभव प्रदान करेगा।
सत्र के विषय:
– भाग 1:पाँच तत्वों के माध्यम से शरीर को डिटॉक्स और नवीनीकृत करें
– भाग 2: ध्यान कैसे केंद्रित करें: यकृत और इसका आहार
सत्र का विवरण:
– तारीख: 24 नवम्बर
– समय: दोपहर 2:00 बजे से 4:00 बजे तक
– प्लेटफ़ॉर्म: यूट्यूब
सत्र में शामिल हों:
[यहां क्लिक करके यूट्यूब सत्र में शामिल हों](
आपकी भागीदारी हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है!
कृपया इस अमूल्य समय का लाभ उठाने के लिए हमारे साथ जुड़ें।
नेशनल स्कूल प्रोपगेशन टीम
🌟 Important Announcement! 🌟
Warm greetings to all of you, Jai Shri Mataji🌹🌹🌹
We are excited to invite you to the fourth session of the NSYS-NSPT collaboration online Yuva Training Program (Week 4). In this session, we will enjoy a rich experience filled with inspiration and learning.
Topic: How to Promote Communication, Confidence,Vision, and Integration: Explanation of 4 chakras and Meditation
Date: October 20
Time: 2 PM to 4 PM
Platform: YouTube
YouTube link:
Your participation is important to us. Please join us to make the most of this precious time!
Warm regards,
National School Propagation Team
Please circulate this message to all Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters and all WhatsApp groups.
Now you can follow Sahaja Yoga World WhatsApp channel to get all the information/activities of Sahaja Yoga family on WhatsApp.👇🏻

30th Dec, 31st Dec 2024 & 1st Jan-2025 Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India
Yuva Realisation Week 9 to 16 Jan 2022
How Can I Participate?
Date 22 Dec 2021
All State / City / District Yuva Shakti Coordinators & Active Sahaja Yogi Yoginis.
It’s a matter of utmost sincerity that we all Yuva’s must come forward to fulfill the vision of our Beloved Mother Shri Mataji, to spread Sahaja Yoga through Power of Love, Sahaja Love.
The current circumstances are so dynamic that Yoga, Meditation, Work Life Balance are the topics searched by the youngsters, so let us all take this opportunity & spread Sahaja Yoga for our own growth.
Preparations for Offline or Physical Program
How to Organise –
Offline Program by City and State Yuva Shakti Coordinators
-Programs by way of Exhibitions/ Conduct Programs
– Identify Places to Organise Exhibitions
-Organise Exhibitions on 8-9 Jan or 15-16 Jan 2022: atleast 2 days.
– Print Wall Mounted Charts
-Have a Team of 5/10/20 Yuvas to Explain Sahaja Yoga to new seekers using Exhibition Charts
-Give Realisation to new seekers in Exhibition Hall
-Handbills/Invitations to be sent to the new seekers a week in advance
-Keep Data of new seekers visiting Exhibitions
– 5 pm sessions could be shown in institutes/homes for New Seekers
NOTE – Handbills, Exhibition Charts and Walkthrough to Explain Exhibition Charts will be provided in NSYS website download section
Preparations of Digital or Online Program
Let all Yuva Shakti register on NSYS Website : Kindly ensure to register yourself : and share / forward to all Yuva Shakti,
-Use Images and Promo to Spread through Facebook, Instagram and Whats App to reach out to New Seekers
-Even the add campaigns can be run from each city & the youth must be invited for the online sessions.
– LinkedIn & Twitter are very important social media platforms which must be utilized with a focused approach.
-You can also create a facebook page of your city, like Youth of Delhi / Youth of Kashmir
-And let there be an add campaign to invite youth for participation.
– Help Maximum Yuva Seekers to register on
-Send Invitation Links to New Seekers
-Ensure that all our YS are being involved basis a collaborative approach. Every Youth must have the information / invite for Self Realisation, know about Shri Mataji and awareness of Sahaja Yoga. Sincere request to encourage every Yuva Shakti to come forward, its also an opportunity to enable everyone in the long run.
For more details: Watch Video
All the very best & we urge to come forward for collective work.
Jai Shri Mataji,
Team NSYS, India.
Toll Free 1800 2700 800
Jai Shri Mataji
Dear Yuva Shakti
We all are preparing for YUVA Realisation Week FROM 9 to 16 Jan 2022 everyday session at 5 pm (ONLINE) and Sahajayoga Exhibitions (OFFLINE) on 8-9 Jan or 15-16 Jan in your Cities.
Its important to offer our sincere prayers at The Lotus Feet of our Beloved Mother. Divine grace shall work on every effort we make for all the seekers.
Request each and every City & State Yuva Shakti Coordinators to join for meditation and meeting on Saturday, 18th Dec 2021 from 6 am onwards. Kindly join on time so that we all can be collective.
Once the zoom link is full with the participants, one can get connected by YouTube link:
Topic: All India Yuva Shakti – Meditation & Meeting
(NSYS – all India Meet)
Time: 6 to 6:30 am : Meditation
6:30 to 7:30 am: Discussions & Meeting
1. Digital Material (ONLINE)
2. Action Items at City Level (OFFLINE) – Exhibition
3. Feedbacks / suggestions
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 937 7806 9923
Passcode: 584667
Jai Shri Mataji
Team NSYS India
Toll FREE 1800 2700 800